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Zen Shiatsu


Zen Shiatsu (literally translated as finger pressure) is a Japanese form of massage therapy that concentrates not only on releasing muscles and tight spots, but also balancing the body’s meridian pathways that are used in acupuncture.


A scientific explanation as to how shiatsu works would be that it sedates an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which improves circulation, relieves stiff muscles and alleviates stress on the adrenal glands.


An Eastern Medicine explanation is shiatsu uses the same points and pathways as acupuncture, and aims to treat the underlying cause of any health condition. In fact shiatsu is regarded by many as acupuncture without needles.


Some of the main differences between Shiatsu massage and conventional Swedish massage therapy is that shiatsu concentrates on applying deep and gentle pressure with the palms of the hands, the pads of the thumbs, elbows and knees to acupuncture meridian points and extra points. In addition, there is no disrobing required.


Zen Shiatsu works through clothing. This allows for greater patient comfort and prevents the sticky feeling that is present after massage oils have been used.


Due to pressure being applied to a smaller surface area and having treatment performed on a comfortable futon on the groung, it is much easier to get into deeper tissue where tension is normally present. The amount of pressure applied is only as much as is comfortable for patients.


Typical effects from treatment include increased energy, relaxation, better sleep and normalized digestion.


People who experience a Zen Shiatsu massage thereafter usually prefer it to any other type of massage.


Try a Zen Shiatsu and discover one of the health maintaining benefits that the Japanese have used for centuries.

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